
Cartoon Marg!
Welcome to My Portfolio

I am a product (UX/UI) designer based in greater New York City, Salt Lake City, and Athens, Greece.

Image of Marg Teaching Art
About Me

Hi! My name is Marg Papakostas and I am from Athens, Greece. I have been a designer at heart since I was a kid. When I am not UX-ing, I am painting, cooking, and teaching ancient languages!

How did I end up in the USA? Life adventures like: 1) participating in Greeceā€™s anglophonic poetry translation symposium, 2) translating literature and artistic cooking in New York City, 3) meeting the love of my life! I just love creating beautiful and meaningful designs, organizing art events, and making homemade food. I even craft my own recipes for Instagram. I figured out that design has many similarities with cooking! To quote a famous chef, Massimo Bottura:

"Cooking is about emotion, it's about culture, it's about love, it's about memory."

I think that if we replaced the word "Cooking" with the word "Design", the quote would still work perfectly.

"Design is about emotion, it's about culture, it's about love, it's about memory."

When I cook, I have one rule at heart that my grandmother passed onto me: simplicity! It's the value of natural foods and healthy ingredients that create the beauty and complexity of a dish. My approach to design is similar: I aim for a natural "ingredients" and simplicity.